Author Topic: Edwards X13  (Read 2048 times)

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Offline Locutus2k

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Re: Edwards X13
« Reply #45 on: February 17, 2022, 12:16:05 PM »
Per quanto riguarda i pillars o cazzilli, vi riporto un test fatto da un Mariachi (uno veramente bravo, fra l'altro) su trumpetherald. In inglese, ovviamente:

"No Pillar: The horn has a great, open sound. You can feel the resonance in the bell and the sound to my ears sounds similar to a large bore trumpet with a sound that spreads nicely.

Nickel Pillar: The tone stays nearly the same, but the notes seem to have more core to them. Instead of a sound that spreads, it sounds like the notes hold together a bit more. I want to say it's a very similar effect that a heavy trim kit would have. It doesn't darken the tone though...just keeps the notes from spreading or having a flair to them.

Copper Pillar: This darkened the sound a decent amount. It was actually too dark for my preference. Almost like a different horn when compared to how the horn plays with no pillar or the nickel pillar. The sound wasn't my preference. IMO this took away a bit of the versatility that I find so appealing about the horn.

Now, I'll be the first to say that it sounds crazy and I almost don't believe it for myself. I think it was a bit of a blessing that it took a week for these pillars to get delivered to me because I was able to play the horn extensively without any attachments. At this point I'm very familiar with the sound of the horn with no when I first tried the nickel pillar I was blown away that it actually changed the sound. I'd never believe it if I hadn't tried it myself."


Playability wise:

No Pillar: Slotting seems the best. The sound is what I think Edwards was going for as far as a "default" sound for the horn. And after some time back and forth, I think no pillar might have the best true "X-13" sound and best playability.

Nickel Pillar: Slotting above the staff felt a bit looser. Sound feels a little more tamed. You might end up overplaying because the horn to your ears will sound a tad bit softer than with no pillar. Great core sound, but I feel like I'm fighting what my ears wants to hear.

Copper Pillar: Loose slotting again above the staff. I'd use this pillar maybe for smooth, solo stuff that doesn't go into the upper register."
Bb: Edwards X-13 + Bach NY LE
Flugel: Van Laar Ack
Mouthpieces: Curry #5 Z/DE/C/TC

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Offline Locutus2k

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Re: Edwards X13
« Reply #47 on: April 21, 2022, 04:38:10 PM »
Guarda, l'avevo visto questo showdown di Trent Austin, però qui suona una X-13 argentata e, come ho scoperto recentemente provandone una, a meno che quella provata da me non avesse qualche problemino (ma ne dubito), ha un timbro diverso dalla laccata o slaccata. Meno risonante, più "normale" insomma. Mi è sembrata anche decisamente più leggera (l'argentata) ma non l'ho pesata. E dire che avevo in mente di scambiarla con la mia perchè sto in fissa con le trombe argentate, ma dopo la prova ho detto no, non se ne parla proprio.
Comunque anche in questo video di Austin ne esce alla grande rispetto alle altre due (mio parere). Non c'è nulla da fare: ha un timbro tutto suo, si distingue e si fa riconoscere.
Bb: Edwards X-13 + Bach NY LE
Flugel: Van Laar Ack
Mouthpieces: Curry #5 Z/DE/C/TC

Offline Locutus2k

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Re: Edwards X13
« Reply #48 on: April 22, 2022, 11:15:37 AM »
C'è anche questo nuovo video di Trent
Bb: Edwards X-13 + Bach NY LE
Flugel: Van Laar Ack
Mouthpieces: Curry #5 Z/DE/C/TC

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Re: Edwards X13
« Reply #49 on: April 22, 2022, 02:10:44 PM »
Ho ascoltato dal telefonino la argentata effettivamente ha un suono più brillante e centrato ma Trent suona talmente bene e con una facilità che ti fa amare qualsiasi tromba utilizzi . I suoni che produce con le tre trombe sono comunque bellissimi. Mi sono convinto che se sei una schiappa subisci il suono e la tromba in misura maggiore .